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We sat down with Daniel Silva, Principal Consultant at Callibrity, for a Q+A session to learn more about his journey into technology. Dive into our conversation with Daniel below to understand his expertise and aspirations.

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You were a client of Callibrity and later became an employee. Tell us about that experience. 

I was speaking with Mark Wehby on the phone after contributing to the launch of a project in Florida, and discussed the possibility of joining Callibrity. I first met Callibrity as a part of the SUBWAY franchisee organization, where we hired Callibrity to help us build out critical payment processing infrastructure. I got a great impression of the company. Mark Wehby was a part of that initial team, and we kept in touch over the years. I was always impressed with Mark and the company he was building, so I pressed hard to be considered for a role. I’ve been at Callibrity about a year and a half, and I am very happy I got this opportunity - Callibrity has impressed me a lot.

How did you get into technology?

I don’t have a classic computer science background. I got a job as a tech writer (during this time, software was sold in big boxes with big manuals inside, and I helped write all the copy), and there was this “bug bounty” program where one would get acknowledged for finding and reporting bugs in the software. I became the company’s consistent “bug hunter,” even though I wasn’t in the engineering org. I got “promoted” to QA analyst where I got a chance to learn how to fix the bugs I would find, learning C++ along the way. This led the way to my first professional job as s software developer with the US government, and the rest is history! I got into technology in some ways by chance - and I am very happy I did!

What is your favorite part about consulting and why?

For me it's about coaching and guiding a company to achieving more than they expected. The relationship usually begins with a conversation about a problem to solve and a statement of work to solve that specific problem. To me, that's just the beginning. As I learn more about how our client works and their business goals through the execution of the engagement, I can start sharing ideas of what's possible beyond the initial remit. I love this idea that at the end of the engagement, our client is better off for having worked with me. This vision is easily my favorite part of the work I do.

What is the best professional advice you've received?

There are many good candidates for this - I have been very fortunate throughout my career to have caring and knowledgable people shape me along the way. If I had to pick one, it is the importance of emotional intelligence. We all have the potential to have great ideas, but without caring for the listening party, to be empathic and even keel, it is easy to lose the opportunity and momentum to have a positive impact. This advice moved the needle for my personal career development.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Well, being a loving husband and parent to six children doesn't leave time to do much except support the family, but thankfully, being a family man is something that I enjoy a lot. Whatever they're into - soccer, volleyball, Taylor Swift, video games, etc - I get into it too. It's fun to see the world through their eyes. When my wife and I do get a spare moment, sharing a cocktail in our terrace or playing golf together are activities we enjoy.

What aspect of Callibrity makes you proud to work here?

The caliber of the people I work with is the thing I am most proud of. From the developers I get to work with day in and day out to the back channel of talent that we have at Callibrity, I am sincerely honored to show up every day and represent.

Being a remote-first company has its benefits and challenges. How do you stay connected to the Callibrity team?

Being remote is a huge challenge. I miss the office environment and the collaboration that can happen when we're all in the same room together. I try to come up to Cincinnati as much as I can, even bringing my family with me sometimes. When I am remote, I am in a persistent video call that others on the same client site can jump into to work together with me.

What is a fun fact about you that might surprise people?

I have had the opportunity to expand my cultural horizons throughout my life. Being the child of Cuban immigrants and growing up in South Florida, I had a very culturally dynamic upbringing. As part of my government work, I got to work in various countries in South America and Europe. I eventually met a wonderful Dutch person that would become my wife and we then got to spend time in London, where our first two children were born. We are now settled in the West Palm Beach, Florida area, but we always have our passports ready for our next adventure. I am grateful I've had the opportunity to become a truly global citizen.
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To learn more about how Callibrity can help your organization, email us at to schedule a time to connect.

Post by Callibrity
Callibrity is a software consultancy specializing in software engineering, digital transformation, cloud strategy, and data-driven insights. Our national reach serves clients on their digital journey to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions for ever-changing business models. Our technology experience covers a diverse set of industries with a focus on middle-market and enterprise companies.